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Oncology panel Man provided from Tibyana Medical Labs

A comprehensive panel of tests to detect and monitor various types of cancer in men.

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Package Description

Our Oncology panel for Men is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of a man's risk for various types of cancer. This panel includes tests to detect and monitor prostate cancer, testicular cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, and other types of cancer that are more common in men. By identifying these cancers early, our panel can help improve outcomes and provide early treatment options. Our experienced team of medical professionals will guide you through the entire testing process and ensure that you receive accurate and timely results.

Why to book this package

Early detection is key to` improving outcomes for cancer patients. Our Oncology panel for Men is a comprehensive panel of tests that can detect and monitor various types of cancer, including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, and other types of cancer that are more common in men. By identifying these cancers early, we can help improve outcomes and provide early treatment options.

Preparation needed for this service

For accurate results, it is recommended to fast for at least 8-12 hours before your blood test. This means no food or drink, except for water, during that time. If you are taking any medications or supplements, please check with your doctor to see if they should be temporarily discontinued before the test. Wear loose clothing to your appointment to make it easier to draw your blood. After the test, you may resume your normal activities and diet.

Terms and conditions

  • After completing the purchase process, the clinic will contact you to schedule the appropriate appointment to provide the service within 24 hours of the purchase time.
  • Tax: Citizens are exempt from VAT on medical services, and VAT is collected on non-Saudis in accordance with the instructions of the competent authorities.

Services Included

CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen (CEA19.9) CA 19.9 ( Tumor Marker )
Alpha Feto Protien (AFP)
CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen (CEA19.9) CA 19.9 ( Tumor Marker )
BETA HCG ( QUALITATIVE ) ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin )