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Abdulaziz Ghaleb

Abdulaziz Ghaleb

بكالوريوس علاج طبيعي , جامعة بيون ، ماهاراشترا ، الهند

Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, Al Nahdah


About Me

Armed with a Bachelor's degree in Physical Therapy from Pune University, Maharashtra, India, and backed by more than 15 years of experience, I have developed a deep understanding of physical health and rehabilitation. My years in the field allow me to deliver effective therapeutic interventions tailored to each individual patient's needs and health objectives.


Work & Experience

15 years of experience


Physiotherapy Centre

No services available at the moment
  • Number of doctors : 6
  • Saudi Arabia , Jeddah , Al Nahdah
  • 0 SAR
No data available
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