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أقل وزن لعملية تكميم المعدة

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    If you are wondering about the minimum weight for sleeve gastrectomy, you are thinking of undergoing this operation, due to the many advantages offered by this technique, in addition to losing a large amount of weight, without the need to follow arduous diets, but what is the lowest weight for gastric sleeve surgery? ?

    Through this article, we will answer all questions related to this technique, through which we will get to know all the information related to it, including the lowest weight for gastric sleeve surgery.

    What is the sleeve gastrectomy?

    One of the latest methods that help in losing weight recently is the sleeve gastrectomy, and this method is resorted to when a person fails to lose weight after relying on following diets for a long time, and this technique is also recommended for cases that are unable to exercise and people who are overweight.

    This operation aims to eat less food, and thus fewer calories entering the body, and this will definitely lead to weight loss, and the general idea of this technique depends on reducing the size of the stomach, as the surgical intervention aims to remove 75% of the size of the stomach, and this is done through the endoscope Through the following steps:-

    • The person is under general anesthesia.
    • After the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor makes several incisions in the abdomen.
    • Through these incisions, the endoscope and the tools used in the operation are inserted.
    • Once the endoscope is inserted, the doctor is able to see the stomach closely, and then remove about 75% to 100% of the stomach. 80% of the stomach.
    And if you want to know the appropriate age for the operation, as well as the lowest weight for sleeve gastrectomy and a lot of information on this subject, read on to the end.

    Advantages of sleeve gastrectomy

    Sleeve gastrectomy is performed by removing about 75% or 80% of the size of the stomach, and this guarantees the achievement of many advantages,
    Among these features are the following: -

    • Removing a large portion of the stomach helps reduce hunger hormone production, which contributes to appetite suppression.
    • Reducing the amount of food a person eats, which helps in losing a large amount of weight.
    • Help treat some other health problems, such as diabetes and high pressure.
    In addition to these advantages, the sleeve gastrectomy is performed through the endoscope, and this includes achieving the following advantages:-

    • Avoid spreading infection.
    • Avoid long-term complications.
    • The person needs a short recovery period.

    The most important conditions for gastric sleeve surgery

    Sleeve gastrectomy is resorted to after the failure of other methods to lose weight, because it is certainly not preferable to resort to surgical intervention in The beginning, and if the doctor decides to perform the sleeve gastrectomy, there are certainly some conditions that must be fulfilled in the beginning, and who Among these conditions are the following:

    Psychological state
    It is important for the patient to be prepared psychologically before the operation, and it is important to tell him that he will adhere to a specific diet throughout his life, in addition to the need to exercise regularly.

    One of the most frequently asked questions from people who are about to undergo gastric sleeve surgery is what is the minimum weight for gastric sleeve surgery. The answer is that weight is determined by mass, which ranges from 30 to 40

    the age
    In addition to the question of what is the minimum weight for sleeve gastrectomy, there is a question of what is the appropriate age, and the appropriate age ranges from 16 to 65 years.

    Avoid some medications
    There are some medications that should be avoided for a long time before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as these medications fall under blood thinners, which may adversely affect the results of gastric sleeve surgery.

    Avoid smoking and alcohol
    It is necessary for the person who is going to undergo sleeve gastrectomy to stay away from smoking and drinking alcohol for a long period, and it is preferable that this period be not less than two weeks, as smoking and alcohol help to increase the recovery period, and they also help in delaying wound healing.

    What is the appropriate weight for sleeve gastrectomy?

    The appropriate weight for sleeve gastrectomy is determined by body mass, and body mass is the relationship between body weight and length, and mass is measured by dividing weight by the square of height, and most doctors believe that a person’s mass of 40 will suffer from obesity of the third degree, And he is a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery.

    Also, if the body mass is 35, then the person in this case suffers from obesity of the second degree, and he is a candidate for gastric sleeve surgery, and accordingly, the appropriate weight for gastric sleeve surgery depends on the body mass, and the candidate body mass. For the operation, it ranges from 35 to 40

    However, some doctors may see that if the body mass index is 30, then the person is a candidate for sleeve gastrectomy, but it is the lowest weight for sleeve gastrectomy.

    What is the minimum weight for sleeve gastrectomy?

    Doctors differed greatly in determining the lowest weight for sleeve gastrectomy, and were divided into two different theories, and this can be explained as follows:

    The first theory
    Some doctors see that the minimum weight for sleeve gastrectomy is evaluated by mass, and the mass ranges between 35 to 40, meaning that the person suffers from obesity of the third and second degree.

    The second theory
    As for the second theory, it is based on the fact that the minimum weight for sleeve gastrectomy, which is determined by mass, is 30, meaning that the person in this case suffers. From obesity of the first degree, and this contradicts the first opinion, which believes that the appropriate mass is 35

    This theory is based on other diseases that an obese patient suffers from, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. These diseases often arise as a result of excess weight. If a person has these diseases, he is a candidate for the operation.

    The appropriate age to perform the operation

    In addition to the question of what is the minimum weight for gastric sleeve surgery, there is also a question about what is the appropriate age for gastric sleeve surgery, and the appropriate age for gastric sleeve surgery ranges from 16 to 65 years.

    Are there diseases that prevent sleeve gastrectomy?

    Certainly it is important for the doctor to be fully aware of the health condition before performing the sleeve gastrectomy, as there may be some diseases that prevent the operation, such as:

    • People with blood clots.
    • Those who suffer from a significant increase in body weight.

    The success rate of sleeve gastrectomy

    The sleeve gastrectomy achieves very impressive results, and its success rate is high, and it is rare for the operation to fail, and one of the most important factors that help the success of the sleeve gastrectomy is the experience of the doctor in charge of the operation, and also in this regard, you can enter the hospital page, Which will help you choose the best doctor near you.


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